Weight loss

why can't I lose weight no matter what I do

Why Not Everyone Lose weight easily

The susceptibility to gaining weight and also losing weight depends in part on genes. For example, the differences in how the body reacts to the energy deficit are very large, say, obesity researchers

Even a similar diet and exercise program is not an equally effective way to lose weight for everyone with the exact same weight loss program, some lose weight very much, some only a little, and some may not at all.

At the tissue level, the differences are even more pronounced.

When looking at what is lost in weight loss, we find that one loses fat, another more muscle, and some of these different combinations.

Researchers emphasize that weight management can not be compared to anyone else.

This is exactly the kind of thing that you have to know your own body and only compare yourself to yourself. Genes dictate these functions so much that comparison with others is impossible.

Both genes and the environment affect

The effect of genes on weight and their susceptibility to change is about half.

This does not mean that genes directly determine who weighs which, but they determine the susceptibility to gain weight and lose weight. Environmental factors complement the end result.

One factor that many may have exacerbated the tendency to gain weight is fast diets.

Everyone who has lost weight many times knows that when the weight goes back, subsequent attempts to lose it are always more laborious.

As the yo-yo continues, the weight drops less and less, and it seems to rise back a little more sensitively.

Some are much more vulnerable to this phenomenon than others.

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The life situation also matters

Research reminds us that in addition to genes, weight gain is affected not only by diet and exercise but also by many other things - the importance of which may not be thought of.

Life situation is one of them. A depressed person is a lot in place and sleeps poorly, while an active person is busy all the time and gets support for weight management from good quality sleep.

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Even temperament affects weight. research says that others consume more energy every day because there is more small movement during the day and the activity of the sympathetic nervous system is higher.

Calm temperaments do not consume as much energy.

Everyone can succeed in weight management

Despite all the above, everyone can succeed in weight management.

People are different in appearance and body shape, but you can find the optimal weight for each by feeling.

One way in which obesity sensitivity can be concretely affected is to keep the amount of lean tissue high.

A mobile person is in a good position in this respect. The more meat and bone there is, the higher the energy consumption is likely to be. Everyone should take care of lean tissue.

It is worth sticking to it because if you do not pay attention to lifestyle, your muscles will gradually start to weaken at the age of 30-40.

These remedies will help anyone overweight :

  1. 1. Make small improvements to the things that are constantly repeated in your daily life.

  2. 2. When you give up eating junky sugar, you get rid of empty calories.

  3. 3. Note that sugar drinks as well as alcohol also become high in calories.

  4. 4. Take care of an adequate, good quality night's sleep. According to current knowledge, the effect of sleep on weight management is undeniable.

  5. 5. Exercise is good for everyone’s health, and for others, it also effectively promotes weight management.

  6. 6. Take special care of your muscle condition, as a large amount of lean tissue helps keep your weight under control.

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Weight loss
