6 Effective tips for How to lose face fat
Well, it is happening because of our total body fat, and is possible to reduce unwanted weight from the face or any part of the body. In this article, we will see what are 6 effective tips for how to lose face fat.
1. Facial exercise:
You might think about facial Exercises to lose face fat but whether this help or not. let's find out.
Regular Facial exercise may help to tone up and strengthen the facial muscle. However, there is no proper scientific evidence that facial exercise reduces face fat but it can provide a streamlined shape to the face.
Here are some common facial
exercises that someone can do for that purpose:-
- Fish face exercise: Close your mouth and create a vacuum by sucking the chick that gives you a fish-like face.
- Puffing chick exercise: Fill the mouth with air and just rotate air from one side to another while locking lips.
- Puckering the lips side by side.
- Clenching the teeth together and holding the smile and release, repeat for 30 seconds.
2. Cardio/ aerobic exercise for weight loss (lose face fat):
Face fat is mostly due to the
overall body fat so losing weight only from the face may be a futile attempt.
If we consider the overall body,
weight loss may help to reduce fat face and cardio exercises may be the
best option to tone our body and lose some extra weight.
Cardio exercises like jogging,
cycling, running; dancing, swimming, etc. are the most effective physical activities
that enhance the heart rate and help to cut body fat fast.
A study reported 300 min/
week of vigorous exercise was found to be superior to 150 min/ week in postmenopausal
women to lose body weight fast.
3. Say goodbye to booze:
When it comes to maintaining the body
hydrated one should avoid alcoholic drinks because they contain unwanted calories
without nutrients and may cause dehydration.
In case of dehydration, our body
tends to hold body fluid and cause puffiness mostly on the face.
It is obvious, unwanted add-on
calories lead to weight gain however moderate alcohol consumption with a healthy
lifestyle is nonconductive to weight gain as a report in 2015
4. Mind your salt intake:
Sodium chloride is the most common
salt used on the dining table, excess sodium concentration leads to water retention
in the body.
These hold up on water cause
swelling and puffing of any parts of our body, especially in the face
Apart from dining, processed
foods, and snacks are the major contributors to salt. Cutting on processed
foods may help to get control sodium intake.
Once you get success with fluid
retention activity your face looks slimmer bright and toned.
5. Consume enough water:
Enough consumption of water keeps
our body hydrated and as per a study, report increased
hydration lead to weight loss.
Water consumption helps to promote
metabolism and lipolysis which lead to faster weight loss. Adequate hydration
suppresses fluid retention and inhibits the puffiness and bloating of the face.
6. Watch your diet
A healthy diet that consists of green & fresh vegetables, and seasonal fruits make you rejuvenate. Start with a nutritious and protein-rich breakfast.
Avoid processed food items like pasta, pizza, biscuits, and cakes which contain high calories and less in nutrients and fiber. a scientific study showed that refined carbs lead to abdominal obesity in women.
Processed foods/ fast foods/ junk foods are very high in calories and with less nutritional value so they add more fat to the body. Avoiding these processed foods has several benefits in terms of improving digestion and helping to lose weight fast.
A balanced diet with high nutritional value helps to reduce face fat along with overall body fat.
Read more about the benefit of avoiding junk food
How to avoid face fat
hopefully, you understand the reason for the face fat or any specific part of the body that becomes bulgy. it happens as a result of overall weight gain. So there are multiple ways that can be followed to reduce weight.
1. Get good sleep: A sound sleep help to reduce weight by regulating hormones and boosting metabolism.
2. Food habit: Eat a healthy and balanced diet and reduce processed food to control weight gain.
3. Exercise: Regular exercise or cardio keep you active for the effective burning of calories and reduces weight. an overall fat burn may lead to losing face fat.
4. Drink more water: Drink more water to keep your body hydrated that helps to burn faster
5. Stress management: Stress could be a reason to gain weight as it affects the appetite and boost hunger. Meditation or yoga may an option to control stress
Summary :
Anyone who follows a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, practices yoga, or does regular exercise can control the fat accumulation in the body. these controls on body weight may lead to reduce face fat.
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